
Bankruptcy is a formal insolvency procedure. You make an application online to the Insolvency Service which costs £680. This can be paid in instalments. The Official Receiver will review your income, expenditure, assets, and liabilities. You will usually be discharged after 12 months however, if you have agreed or been ordered to make payments this may last for 3 years.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Bankruptcy


  • Bankruptcy includes most debts
  • Your creditors can no longer enforce their debts once your Bankruptcy is approved
  • You can pay the fee in instalments; however, you cannot submit the application until it is paid in full
  • In straight forward cases you will be discharged from bankruptcy in 12 months
  • You may not have to pay your debts in full depending on the assets that are available and the amounts that are paid in


  • If you’re in employment you may have to make monthly contributions into your bankruptcy for a period of 3 years, this is referred to as an Income Payment Order / Arrangement. 
  • If you own assets, they could be at risk
  • Your details will be listed on the Insolvency Register
  • Your credit rating will be negatively affected for 6 years
  • Certain debts cannot be included within an IVA such as Social Fund loans and court fines
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