Debt Relief Order (DRO)

A Debt Relief Order, or DRO as it is sometimes referred to is a formal debt solution There are no fees involved with a DRO. Qualifying debts would be frozen for 12 months and providing you continue to meet the eligibility criteria; the qualifying debts will be written off at the end of the 12-month period.

You may qualify for a DRO if you do not have assets worth more than £4,000, owe less than £50,000, are not a homeowner and cannot afford to pay more than £75 per month toward your debts. You can only apply for a DRO through an approved intermediary.  

Advantages & Disadvantages of a DRO


  • A DRO includes most debts
  • You will not need to make any further payments into the DRO
  • You will not have to pay anything towards your debts


  • A DRO is a formal insolvency procedure and will have a negative effect on your credit file
  • If your circumstances improve during the moratorium period, your DRO could be revoked
  • Your details will be listed on the Insolvency Register 
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