Debt Management Plan (DMP)

A Debt Management Plan is an informal arrangement with your creditors, this arrangement is managed via a third-party debt management company, or some charities can offer them free of charge. You would make one affordable payment to the third party which is calculated by completing an income and expenditure review, and this would be distributed amongst your unsecured creditors. 

Advantages & Disadvantages of a DMP


  • One monthly payment
  • Sometimes creditors will agree to freeze interest and charges
  • If you use a charity, there will be no fee 


  • A debt management plan is not normally recommended if it would last 10 years or more
  • Your creditors are not under an obligation to agree to the arrangement or to freeze interest and charges
  • Your credit file will be negatively affected for at least 6 years
  • Certain debts cannot be included within a DMP such as tax debts and court fines
  • You will have to pay all your debts in full plus any charges that may apply
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